
illustrated Job

Illustrated Job in Hebrew belongs to the GlossaHouse Illustrated Biblical Texts (GIBT) series that places the books of the Bible in their original languages, embedded scene by scene in the context of Keith Neely’s evocative, full-color illustrations. These innovative resources will accelerate your comprehension by helping you distinguish narrative from dialogue at a glance. The illustrations provide visual cues for action, tension, and emotion, inviting an immersive reading experience in the ancient languages. While the books are supported by an original English translation on each page, the graphic approach of the GIBT series pushes against a tendency in biblical language learning to make translation the end goal. On the contrary, we hope that these books will help you begin to think in the biblical language—to hear echoes of the authors’ own voices, thick with the accents of their ancient dialects. Whether you are a beginning student of biblical languages, or an accomplished scholar, our hope is that this fresh presentation of the ancient texts will ignite your imagination and turn the world of these words into an expansive, multicolored landscape in your mind’s eye.



The book of Proverbs is a book written for people like us—parents, children, friends, and coworkers. It's a collection of biblical sayings and wisdom that are intended to help us with practical matters in our lives. Inside we encounter the wise and the foolish, and instructions for the journey to find the wisdom that comes from God alone.

Proverbs: Pathways to Wisdom explores the context, language, and interpretation of the book of Proverbs. Each chapter covers well known verses and examines prevalent themes throughout the book. From the fear of the Lord to the Woman of Valor in Proverbs 31, Hernández explores an array of verses and reveals literary and historical details that supply profound insight into familiar passages.

Additional components for a four-week study include a DVD featuring Dominick S. Hernández and a comprehensive Leader Guide.


"A crucial resource for day-to-day life needs a practical guide for appropriating its riches. Hernández provides readers such a tool in this little volume. Personable and full of helpful illustrations and insights, this primer on Proverbs provides a handy orientation to its key themes. A particular contribution born out of the author’s Latino experience is his presentation of the “warrior woman” in Proverbs 31:10-31. An enjoyable and informative read."

 M. Daniel Carroll R., Blanchard Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College.

"Ever since I was encouraged to read "a Proverb a day" as a teenager, I've had an affinity towards the Proverbs. Since reading Dr. Hernández's work, I've been inspired once again to meditate on the book of Proverbs more attentively and enthusiastically. Dr. Hernandez's scholarship, pastoral tone, and personable writing style lead me to worship Jesus as I read. Sometimes I found myself saying amen, and other times ouch. This experience is why I encourage you to read this book and to pass it on for others as well."

Dr. Jamaal Williams, Lead Pastor, Sojourn Church Midtown, Louisville, KY

"In Proverbs: Pathways to Wisdom, my friend and colleague Dr. Dominick S. Hernández gives us many of the same great resources that the Book of Proverbs gives us: wisdom for how to walk in the fear of the Lord, counsel for how to apply proverbs in our everyday lives, a broad survey of the landscape to help us understand how the parts relate to the whole, and an accessible approach that empowers us to navigate easier and more treacherous terrain. This book will be a gift to so many! Classrooms and churches are richer on account of this excellent resource." 

Jared E. Alcántara, PhD, Associate Professor of Preaching, Baylor’s Truett Theological Seminary, Author of The Practices of Christian Preaching.

cómo leer los proverbios

Cómo leer Proverbios es un libro práctico para guiarnos en el camino de la vida y hacia la sabiduría de Dios. En su libro de Proverbios, Dominick S. Hernández invita a las personas a crecer en sabiduría—sabiduría bíblica—para transitar por el camino correcto.

El libro de los Proverbios es un libro escrito para personas como nosotros: padres, hijos, amigos y compañeros de trabajo. Es una colección de dichos y sabiduría bíblica que pretende ayudarnos en asuntos prácticos de nuestra vida. En su interior encontramos a los sabios y a los insensatos, e instrucciones para el viaje para encontrar la sabiduría que solo proviene de Dios. Cómo leer los Proverbios analiza el contexto, el lenguaje y la interpretación del libro de los Proverbios. Cada capítulo abarca versículos bien conocidos y examina los temas predominantes a lo largo del libro. Desde el temor del Señor hasta la mujer de valor (en Proverbios 31), Hernández explora una serie de versículos y revela detalles literarios e históricos que proporcionan una profunda visión de pasajes conocidos.

El libro se divide en estas secciones de enfoque práctico: Introducción La lectura de los proverbios con sabiduría La presentación de los caminos Caminos prácticos y personales La sabiduría en la práctica: Proverbios 31 Epílogo: ¿Y si los proverbios no funcionan?

The Prosperity of the Wicked

The Prosperity of the Wicked: A Theological Challenge in the Book of Job and in Ancient Near Eastern Literature reexamines the Book of Job by shifting focus from the well-known "righteous sufferer" theme to the overlooked discussions about the fate of the wicked. While Job’s friends insist that divine justice always punishes the wicked—a claim they eventually apply to Job—Job counters by arguing that real-life experience shows inconsistency in retribution, noting that the wicked often prosper without divine consequence. By analyzing the rhetoric, imagery, and literary techniques in Job’s first two rounds of dialogue and comparing them with similar themes in ancient Near Eastern texts, the study investigates whether Job effectively challenges the traditional belief in a fixed system of just retribution, specifically by refuting five recurring arguments presented by his friends.

La Prosperidad del Impío

El problema del mal, del sufrimiento de los inocentes, ha atormentado a los teólogos durante milenios. Sin embargo, la prosperidad de los malvados, aunque menos destacada, causaba gran angustia a figuras bíblicas como Jeremías, y es un tema importante en los diálogos entre Job y sus compañeros. El profesor Hernández ofrece un tratamiento exhaustivo de este tema, haciendo un uso experto de la filología, el análisis literario y temático, y la comparación con textos del antiguo Oriente Próximo. Este libro debería convertirse en un estándar, de interés para los estudiantes de la Biblia en general y de Job en particular.

engaging the old testament

This introductory textbook invites students into the depths and riches of the Old Testament and shows the Old Testament's relevance for Christian readers. Rising Latino evangelical Old Testament scholar Dominick Hernández demonstrates how to read Old Testament texts well and put the ancient written word into practice in our day and age.

Hernández shows that four core commitments put readers on the right trajectory for reading and applying the Old Testament to their lives: (1) reading humbly, (2) reading successively, (3) reading entirely, and (4) reading deliberately. Students will learn how to become better readers of the text and how to read select Old Testament passages well, paying attention to how the biblical authors used rhetorical techniques to provoke readers to action.