Given that antisemitism is an expression of racism, and racism by its nature weakens the fabric of any society, antisemitism is the problem of every single person who desires to live in any decent community.
When Danny Carroll speaks, he speaks directly to the hearts of people like me, calling us to action while calling out those who might falsely parade the prophetic mantle, instructing them to put it down and put on the image of Christ, the ultimate Servant.
The same philosophy of ministry that was so inviting to the unconventional hippies who wandered the beaches of California in the 60’s and 70’s made its way into my East Coast, low-income housing sector by the mid-90’s. From hippies to the hood, the Calvary Chapel movement had a tremendous influence on shaping a generation of Christians of all different colors and socio-economic statuses, in countless geographical locations.
In the first few days after the attacks, it was near impossible to call into New York City. Though I repeatedly tried to get through, it became obvious that we would have to wait to hear from those family members—if they eventually reached out.
In just a few weeks, I will transition out of my current academic position to begin a new appointment as an associate professor of Old Testament at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University.
So much is happening in this passage. It can be easy to focus on the miracles described: Jesus knowing exactly where Peter had just been, knowing the conversation he’d had, and knowing about (or placing) a coin in a fish’s mouth for Peter to find. But the heart of these verses comes in a small and simple phrase: “not to give offense to them.”
One of Jesus’ most famous parables, known as the parable of the Prodigal Son, teaches timeless principles through highlighting three different characters: the rebellious son who blatantly dishonors his father and then repents, the “good” son who self-righteously despises his brother and grumbles, and the father, who demonstrates graciousness to them both.
Praying desperate prayers is admitting that we need God to help us be fine with being powerless and trust that he is in control.
I can forgive in the sense of intentionally striving to fend off the natural sentiments of anger and resentment that arise as a result of being wronged. In so, I surrender my “right” to be angry with the aspiration that my resignation of personal vindication would be a tangible example of the type of forgiveness people can receive by turning to God through Christ.
We never know who we will impact through small acts of kindness. This is not just a trite adage. It is true.
On my 40th birthday—the day of the year that used to make Barry sooo happy—Larry reminds me of who I really am and why I am actually on the earth.
We as members of a Christian community, and especially as those involved in theological education, have some special opportunities when it comes to using social media for a higher good.
en español
Dado que el antisemitismo es una expresión de racismo, y el racismo, por naturaleza, debilita el tejido de cualquier sociedad, el antisemitismo es un problema para todas las personas que deseen vivir en una comunidad decente.
En los primeros días después de los atentados, era casi imposible llamar a Nueva York. Aunque intenté comunicarme en repetidas ocasiones, era obvio que yo iba a tener que esperar para saber de esos familiares, si es que finalmente se comunicaban conmigo.
En pocas semanas, dejaré mi puesto actual académico para comenzar un nuevo nombramiento como profesor asociado de Antiguo Testamento en la Escuela de Teología Talbot de la Universidad de Biola.
Al leer el pasaje vemos que hay muchas cosas sucediendo. Puede ser fácil concentrarse en los milagros descritos: Jesús sabía exactamente dónde había estado Pedro, sabía la conversación que había tenido, y había (o colocó) una moneda en la boca de un pez para que Pedro la encontrara. Aunque el corazón de estos versículos está en una frase pequeña y simple: «para no ofenderles»
Una de las parábolas más famosas de Jesús, conocida como la parábola del hijo pródigo, enseña principios eternos destacando tres personajes diferentes: el hijo rebelde, quien deshonra descaradamente a su padre y luego se arrepiente; el hijo "bueno", quien desprecia a su hermano y rezonga; y el padre, quien les muestra gracia a ambos.
La definición de la piedad es directa; cómo reconocer la piedad bíblica y auténtica es una tarea poco más complicada. La razón por esto es la tendencia natural humana de los lectores bíblicos de enfocarse en lo que es tangible y cuantificable en cuanto a evaluar las características personales.
Si batallas con El Antiguo Testamento, ¡sigue batallando!. Estas en el camino correcto.