Sunday Night Theology - Christ Church, West Chester, PA
Many teachings of the book of Job focus on the oft-treated issue of theodicy by asking exasperating questions like: “What does Job have to say about the righteous suffering and its relation to the justice of God?” However, there is an antithesis to the dilemma of the righteous suffering that Job points out—the prosperity of the wicked (ch. 21). The prosperity of the wicked is just as much of a problem in relation to the justice of God and a consistent system of just retribution as is the suffering of the righteous. So, how do Job and his companions depict the fate of the wicked within their respective paradigms of justice? How can there possibly be justice in a world in which the wicked prosper as Job claims? Join us as we will address these questions that not only intrigued Job and his companions, but also continue to perplex savants up to this very day.